The Ark Nature Centre

  • Opening hours

    Tue - Sun 11 a.m. -5 p.m.

    Opening Hours and Prices
  • Entrance fees

    Adults 8 €
    Pensioners, unemployed and conscripts (please show your discount card) 5 €
    Under 18-year-olds and students 0 €

  • Contact

    The Ark Nature Centre
    Pohjoispuisto 7, 28100 Pori, Finland
    +358 (0)2 621 1176

    Arrival and Accessibility
Muffloni, kuvaaja Mikael Leppäniemi SatM

Permanent Exhibition: From Forest to the Sea

The permanent exhibition is built in the former Pori phone company cable hall, which forms the northern part of the house. The dioramas of the exhibition present the nature destinations of the region, brimming with animals and plants.

Permanent Exhibition: From Forest to the Sea
